by Ricardito Ramos
(August 13, 2014)
My great grandmother man, she lived through so many wars
Even the “great one”, where so many fought
To accumulate for rulers and makers of laws
What was it all for, she wasn’t entirely sure
But they profit from all of them, of that we can be sure
Imagine the names with which they were called
My great grandmother lived through the “great war”
Great because their pockets would inflate as they devastate
Wars are fought for Capital let’s set it straight
They called the “The War to End All Wars”
“World War 1”, when more than half the world never fought
It’s chauvinistic, sadistic thought
It was fought for Imperialist accumulation
Thought it was also called “The War of the Nations”
They needed to decide who’d plunder what, straight robbery
Though Wilson called it “The War to Make the World safe for Democracy”
On April 2nd, 1917, half a year before the workers took Russia to wipe the slate clean
But for now, half the belligerents set their sights on Prussia
They call it “theatre” because it’s all a facade, death in the opening scene
Different actors in the same game
Bourgeois gave orders, millions died, damn what a shame
But since their birth, they set the world in flames
My great grand mother lived through more war
My grandmother lived through it too
Inter-imperialist, whoops, I mean “World War Two”
Another “World War” when more than half the world had no clue
Only the Imperialist states really knew what to do
You ever seen the posters?
Women holding flags but trapped like gats in holsters
talk back? Get clapped like workers in a factoy for coca-cola
Just good for “support”, just there to bolster
The males who were most the soldiers
The Nazis were evil just as normal bourgeois people,
All just different shades of parasites and vultures
Know your history, you know who controls you
Millions more died on the barbarous front lines
From orders given by those who do nothing but lie around
Count the checks that fly in as soldiers drop on grounds
My mother man she lived through so many wars
Main theme of these? They called it “Cold”
War seems to be what Capitalism adores
This was more by proxies they set off shores
Same history, smash the worker’s cause,
From Vietnam to Nicaragua,
Afghanistan where CIA trained Taliban marauders
Constant war, war non-stop all for profit
Take that democracy talk and stop it
Democracy of rulers is dictatorship against the ruled
They send tanks and ships, man their system is so cruel
It’ll never stop, like budget cut attacks on wages and schools
Through the ages they rather we be fools
Ideological apparatus just another tool
You emulate the masters and you think it’s cool
Work to reproduce a whole class
But when asked to pick up the historical task
It’s as if there’s no working class
The way the world is working, the whole planet’s turned into trash
Capitalists are smirking so far we finish last
My ancestors lived through wars my great grandparents and grandparents too. So much so you’d think that shit is cool. My parents lived through war and now I’m living through it. Yet it still goes on this is truly foolish. Racism, sexism, barbarism depicted all over. The burden of history is on our shoulders. All these wars to keep them “coming to our door”, but what are they really for? The names change but the reason’s the same. Their contradictions and aspirations bring us nothing but death and pain. Shrapnel and mines, sweatshops and fast food joints lace the terrain. We need a movement to change this shit, and we can really do it. Unity of the masses lead by working classes it’s been done before these facts are the truest. Next time we’d make sure to learn from history’s flaws. Overthrow then keep down the vulture’s claws. Capital must be stomped and strangled dead. It’s dead labor reproducing off the living living in shitty conditions, and would rather fill us up with lead. The only flag worth raising is the color red, the color of the blood the bourgeois always shed. …